The chosen method involves a long, flexible, accordion-like tube. With pursed lips and a good strong blow, you can use the tube to make a sound like an elephant. Aside from the possible confusion for our neighbors, I had concern that if Jingle found herself alone on the Savanna... she might charge a herd of trumpeting elephants.
The training method involves feeding and trumpeting is strictly prohibited unless there is food in the cat's dish. Molly hopes Jingle will eventually realize the association and VIOLA!... a cat-call will be born.
Molly is executing her strategy with impressive consistency and twice daily she heralds the cat with a call that echos through our home. As the cat-call theory has been put into practice, and Molly's trumpeting skills are tested, my Savanna concerns have been curtailed. At most, I believe Jingle's risk is to someday charge hungrily into a herd of gassy elephants. That doesn't seem as dangerous to me.
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